Saturday, December 27, 2008

La Buche De Noel

Hannahlily makes Buche De Noel every Christmas Eve. She uses the french recipe but has translated it into English.
Le Gateau

6 blancs
6 jaunes
3/4 tasse de sucre
1/3 tasse de cacao
1 1/2 t vanille
peu de sel
1) Grasser: 15 1/2 x 10 1/2 x 1 poele. Linez avec papier. Grassez le papier.
2) Mettez le four a 375
3) Fouettez les blancs avec un batteaur electrique. Ajoutey 1/4 tasse de sucre, 2 cuillerees a soupe a la fois.
4) Fouettez les jaunes (epais). Ajoutez une 1/2 tasse de sucre, 2 cuilerees a soupe a la fois.
5) Ajoutez le cacao, la vanille, et le sel.
6) Melangez les blacs et les jaunes avec un fouet.
7) Mettez dans le plat: au four-15 min. Touchez avec la doigt.
8) Prennez une serviette. Sau poudrez avec du sucre en poudre.
9) Roulez le gateau dans la serviette.
10) Restez le gateau pour 1/2 heure.
La Creme
1 1/2 tasse de creme
1/2 tasse de scure en poudre
1/4 tasse cacao
2 t cafe
1 t vanille
1) Fouettez la creme et ajoutez les autres ingredients.
2) Mettez la creme dans le gateau et roulez le gauteau.
La Buche De Noel

6 egg whites ¾ cup sugar 1 ½ t vanilla
6 egg yolks 1/3 cup cocoa powder pinch of salt

1) Grease a 15 ½ x 10 ½ x 1 inch jelly role pan. Line the pan with wax paper. Grease the wax paper.
2) Preheat the oven to 375
3) Beat the egg whites until soft peaks form. Continue beating while gradually adding ¼ cup of the sugar until stiff peaks form.
4) Beat the egg yolks while gradually adding the remaining ½ cup sugar.
5) Sift the cocoa powder over the egg yolk mixture. Add the vanilla and salt and mix together.
6) Fold the egg whites into the yolk mixture.
7) Spread the cake batter into the jelly role pan. Bake for 15 minutes.
8) Spread out a clean dish towel and sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar.
9) As soon as the cake comes out of the oven, invert onto the dish towel and remove the wax paper.
10) Roll up the cake in the dish towel and rest for 30 minutes.

La crème

1 ½ cups whipping cream 2 t instant coffee (optional)
½ cup powdered sugar 1 t vanilla
¼ cup cocoa powder

1) Whip the cream until it is stiff
2) Sift the powdered sugar and cocoa over the whipped cream.
3) Add the coffee and vanilla to the cream and mix until well blended
4) Unroll the cake
5) Spread the whipped cream over the cake and reroll the cake (but without the dish towel this time)
6) Transfer the rolled cake to a platter and dust the top with powdered sugar (to look like snow!)


Anonymous said...

WOW! obviously, I've learned the jellyroll is the traditional method. I'm so impressed -- you really tackle recipes tres difficile! It looks absolutely delicious and so festive!

Cup Of Encouragement said...

We posted this for you, Rebecca!
